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17 Days of 7: To '4' and More!

The cars on the track go round and round, round and round, round and round. The engine on a Go-Kart goes vroom, vroom, vroom! All around the track.

Fun Fact: Sev was 7 pounds, born at 11:11 pm, on the 7th month.

My son, Sevyn (Sev to you), turned 4 in July and he is not your average kid-kart driver. He is your more experienced, thoroughly involved, rebel "driver" who believes he is a full-on "motorsportsmen". And, unlike others in the sport, he learned his skills from Cars 1,2, and 3, and could barely get his go-kart to go due to height restrictions. Ha!

Everyyy single day, for the last two years, Sev has watched Lightning McQueen race in the Piston Cup, train with Cruze on simulators to beat Jackson Storm, fix a broken road in radiator springs, flirt with Sally at the Cozy Cone, and roll with Mater, Doc, Guido, and the rest of the gang. So, he is no novice when it comes to the racer world.

In my home, we no longer celebrate pagan holidays, however I do believe that the day God created and gifted us amongst his generations is huge deal. And, I definitely act like birthdays are a huge deal. Yep, we decorated the entire house and I wrapped tons of gifts to display until his big day. For me, it's traditional and festive, but I think seeing presents he couldn't open made Sev a bit anxious.

For his second birthday, we spent 6 hours at the Peterson Car Museum, on Wilshire in West L.A. They had a children's section with life-sized, lightening McQueen and Jackson Storm cars. We strolled around all 3 stories of the museum, gazing at cars from the coolest Hollywood movie sets, and spent the rest of our time drawing cars, racing cars, watching car videos, and you know we had a photo op. We actually visited Peterson again last month. The Indy 500 and Nascar exhibit is SUPER DOPE! You should check it out if you're in town.

But, for the BIG 4, we put the PETAL TO THE FLOOR! I started a cool-ass birthday (aka race day) tradition to celebrate my boy... 17 days straight. And, all 17 days were a success!

I took 17 of his favorite things and turned them into impromptu surprises, beach days, jump days, finger-painting, and (obviously) much more. I wouldn't change one thing about Sev's 4th birthday, except asking God for a lil' more energy to get me through nearly 3 weeks of celebrating.

Basically, Sevyn is cool as hell and we had a B L A S T!

Day 1: Decorated the entire house, race car style. Stoplights, flags, balloons, banners, posters.. you naaaaame it.

Day 2: Our San Diego Road trip was cancelled by the weather so, we went to a closer beach and stayed all day.

Day 3: We finger-painted birthday cards as a fam bam.

Day 4: Sev loves Donuts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... if he doesn't want pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 5: Homemade SLIME. Fun for Sev and "Oh, HELL NAH!" for me and the carpet in his room. Monday's are for science!!

Day 6: He opened a gift. It was two water guns. So, you know we took the blasters out for water fighting.

Day 7: Sev made me JUMP! JUMP! Glow in the dark style! Skyzone wasn't ready for our Kobe Bryant hops!

Day 8: Learned to ride a bike with his mum and pops. Yep, my boy is rollin' like Jody, now. He's such a natural.

Day 9: Pizza for Lunch, just because. I'm not sure how he hasn't turned into a vegan cheese triangle by now.

Day 10: Made Origami race cars... and raced them. Told you I was a cool mom.

Day 11: Popped Bubbles and bottles. Yep, apple cider by the case. Since Sev loves bubbles, we brought out the bubble gun and bubble machine for some living room fun.

Day 12: Walking Water Science Project. You already know we are the best homeschool academy in the West.

Day 13: Froyo for the Win, yo! He didn't even have to beg me for ice cream this day. He had an attitude and didn't want to go out. So, as head of the cool mom club, I brought the froyo and toppings to him. M&M's, caramel drip, and chocolate drops. Haaaaaaan.

Day 14: My half Samoan boy and his daddy did samoan stuff this day. And, he came home with hella toys and shoes. I guess Amerikkkan's weren't allowed on day 14.

Day 15: That's why I ('Merikkka) beat Sev (Samoa) in a race at the top of Kenneth Hahn Park, after our hike. Tuh. He had fun catching dust tho. lol Nah, the hike was fun.

Day 16: Lunch on the Beach with his "almost-same-aged" aunt and uncle. Aside from pro racing, Sev is a waterboy, and this time he was able to roll his aunt and uncle for the fun. My best friend (aka auntie & God-mommy Asti) showed up and did her god-mommy thing, sneaking wrapped gifts in my trunk. Shoutout to the scooter he won't stop riding in the house. Ayeeee.

Day 17: THE BIG DAY- Porsche Experience Center, Johns Incredible Pizza, & Go-Kart World. Sev definitely enjoyed driving a car for his first time. I think I had more fun then the kids, though.



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