Nicki Minaj x Pynnderella: A Conversation w/ the Queen
"Tryna build another barbie doll, screws lose." - Nicki Minaj Soooo, I interviewed Nicki the Ninja, Nicki the Harajuku Barbie , right?...
I'm Pynnderella- a copywriter, journalist, and real estate professional.
I live a boy-mom life. I'm always hungry, have a sweet tooth, I love matcha, Y is my favorite letter, and I'm looking to start a hobby, like golf or pageantry, soon.
Pynn'd Poshyns. was inspired by many things in my life, but the more I designed this site and branded my messaging, the more inspirations evolved. I honed into my favorite walks of life and decided not to choose just one. And I'm happy to have more than one flavor on my cone (or category on my blog)!
Fyx'd Cravinz, compliments the Byg Bak in me. Cheers to eateries and experiences.
With Pynnderella + Media suits my inquisitive mind, highlighting my journalism skills, and breeding top-tier interviews.
Rax on Rax celebrates my originality, the fashionistas/istos who get it, get it!
Pyn Typs is for the wryter in me, consider it home for pyn elevation.
Kiss boring taglines goodbye!
I like Clever, not corny.
I write captivating digital and print copy, using unique storytelling,
that inspires collaboration and builds community for creatives looking to find their brand voice.
Your copy should close deals and manifest opportunities for your brand!
Virtual Pynmanshyp by
Welcome to Pynn'd Poshyns. - Where Style Meets Sophistication. Join me, a boy mom, as I share fashion, entertainment, exclusive insights, and delicious treats that add a little extra joy to life.
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Love, Pynnderella