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Leah Writes x Pynnderella #FeelsGood

Leah Writes has us feelin' good this Summer with her new project 'Feels Good'.

The project features Desi Mo, Zoe Osama, and Ease the Don.

Both tracks are smooth and when the beats drop... it gets real L.A!

Leah, welcome to


$pynrs', I had the pleasure of interviewing Leah Writes. I was inspired learning how Leah's journey stayed authentic as she found her footing as an artist, embraced motherhood, and is now mastering balance.

Not only are we boy moms, but we both genuinely love good vibes. And that's exactly what the interview gives.

Before we hop into it..


7.3.24 was the official release date.




Written by Pynnderella, of course.

Pynnderella: Leah Writes! First of all, I love the name. Have you always been writing? How did that name come about?

Leah Writes: So, Leah Writes was actually what I created for my Instagram handle. I want to say I created my Instagram back in 2009, it could be 2010. I literally was in my head thinkin', 'What do I do? I write.'

So, I came up with that. But as far as it being my initial stage name, it wasn't that.

I went through a couple of names. First off, my name is Alleah. But, of course, after the passing of the singer Aaliyah, I couldn't come out as that. I was like, Out of respect for her, I was going to come up with my own creative stage name. Girl, I went from Young Alleah (a name my brother used to call me), to Brianna Leah- So, it was really my middle name and I kinda pronounced Leah in a fancy way.

After Brianna Leah, an artist I was working with at the time, named Gino Haze, suggested going by my Instagram name. So, I typed it up and wrote it down to see how it would look and from that day forward, I was Leah Writes.

Pynnderella: I love that. Shoutout to Gino!

So, tell me about 'Lyrical Therapy'... Your first project.

Leah Writes: Lyrical Therapy is my baby! That is my debut E.P. That right there is a body of work that me and my team had been working on for a while... I'll record a song two years prior droppin' it.  This is something normal in the music industry. That's just how it goes. We sit on songs. It just takes time to get the whole situation happenin'.

However, I also had a situation of losing one of my brothers. In my mind, I don't think I was even going to put an album out. After his death I was kind of stuck. However, I told myself that I was going to use my music to get me through it. He was one of my biggest fans. He was one of my number 1 fans. We grew up in the same house, same mom, same dad. And him passing away pushed me to make sure this project got put out.

Along with the songs I'd made when he was alive, I made a song dedicated to him that I also threw on the project. It was my emotional roller coaster album.

When you listen to it, you'll go through some emotions with me, too. You'll go from partying to 'phuck that man', to 'I love my man.' And the song about my brother is about losing a loved one and coping with that. But, that's my debut E.P. right there.

Pynnderella: I actually love the song Ocean Floor. That is my jaaaam.

Leah Writes: Oh, yeaaaah. That is alot of people's favorite!

Pynnderella: Now, I know where the inspiration came from. Tell me about some of the most prominent memories that you have from making this album. What is your favorite session?

Leah Writes: Doing Lyrical Therapy?

Pynnderella: Yes.

Leah Writes: 'Ocean Floor'.

Girl, when I tell you.. Okay, Ocean Floor was originally created in my bedroom. I had a studio night where one of my team members, Tubbz, came over. He hooked his computer up to my speakers and we were literally just having a writing session, just kinda layin' dry vocals before we took them back to TG, who is like the wizard.

So, we're just writing and listening to beats and what not.

...Those who know me, know I'm 420 friendly. I'm open to the greenery. (ahaha!) So, I smoked, right? I smoked and fell the phuck to sleep, girl. And I'm thinking Tubbz would just wrap it up and be gone. But, no. Tubbz stayed at my house, just cookin' up while I was sleep.

I woke up around one or two o'clcok in the morning. So, I had to have fallen asleep at, maybe, eleven... I wake up and he says he has a hook. He sings the Ocean Floor hook, and girl, I wrote a verse. We went from there, I recorded the dry vocals in my room, we took it to the big studio, and it was a hit. That's what it was.

Pynnderella: In music terms, what are dry vocals?

Leah Writes: When I say dry vocals, I mean there's no effects on it. Nothing on the vocals. Just me singing it. Like a demo, almost. No effects have been added. No plug-ins. None of that fancy stuff the mixers do.

Pynnderella: What happens when you first start recording, you think it's the shit, you got a song... What do you do next? What did you do for your first showcase as an artist?

Leah Writes: My first showcase as an artist?

Well My mom's a DJ. So I've been around music all my life. My mom was the mouth to let everybody know that I do music. But I got serious about it at the end of high school, going into my adult years.

I dropped a mixtape when I was 17 after getting a feature on Joe Moses' mixtape. That was when I became a little bit popular, right there. Joe Moses was a well-known rapper and my little 17-year-old self didn't know who he was. I hadn't heard of Joe Moses but once I did my research, I found that he was a very known rapper.

Pynnderella: How did you get on his mixtape?

Leah Writes: My mom had a studio. She used to record L.A. artists. And, actually, the engineer who was working at the studio, at the time was like, 'Joe Moses needs a singer'.

And, who else to get but right here? So, we did the Closer to my Dreams remix.

If anybody ever hears Joe Moses' Closer to my Dreams, there is a female on the track and that is I.

Pynnderella: How many years ago was that?

Leah Writes: Oh my goodness!! I was 17, so that was probably 2010.

Pynnderella: Wow! Okay, so about 14 years ago?

Leah Writes: Yes!

And to answer your question, from that feature on Joe Moses' hook, that's when people got the word like, 'She's the shit. She's doing her stuff.' People got to know me a little more.

Pynnderella: Have people accepted you in L.A. as an artist? Do you feel like you embody artistry?

Leah Writes: Absolutely! I come from L.A.-The Crenshaw District, specifically, helped mold my sound and people are now definitely accpeting of that sound.

It's amazing. It's a journey because I'm not only an artist, I'm a mother, too. With being a mom and an artist, you gotta find a balance.

Being a full artist in L.A, to me, is having that balance- as a mother, I'm a daughter, both of my parents are both still living. I'm a sister. I wear many hats and it's fun for me. This is my passion. Artistry has always been in me. There's nothing abnormal about it.

The only thing I feel like I'm learning now is, getting business savvy with it. I've always had the talent and I'm a very smart woman but I'm not that educated in music business. So, my manager TG has been showing me some new ropes of the game.

Pynnderella: What is it like exposing your son to your artistry?

Leah Writes: Oh, it's been so beautiful. He can sing, too. He might even be more talented than I am. And he's the most supportive 8-year-old I've ever met when it comes to my music.

...I like that he likes my music and is proud of his mom being a musician. It's fun to expose that to my son.

Pynnderella: Where do you see Leah next?

Leah Writes: I've said this before, but I'm manifesting a tour.

Pynnderella: What kind of tour? Where do you want to go?

Leah Writes: I want to do a small city tour, first, in Cali, and I can hit a couple of different cities. I was thinkin' I can for sure start with where I'm from, in the Crenshaw District area. I can do Hollywood. Inglewood. The Orange County area, because I have a lot of supporters out there as well. And even in the Valley.

Then, eventually, I would love to do a State tour. I'd hit Atlanta, Georgia, first.

Pynnderella: What's your dream stage to be on?

Leah Writes: I want to perform at the Crypto, for sure. That's a stage that I'm manifesting. And even the Forum. Those are prominent stages, out here, where we're from, that are like, 'You made it', ya know?

Now, out of state? I don't have any dream stages out of state but I do have states I'd like to perform in. For sure Georgia. I want to hit New York. I'd also like to go to Washington D.C. Even Arizona, too. Oh, Vegas! I almost forgot about Vegas.

Pynnderella: OMG! Wouldn't it be so phucking dope if you sang in the snow in Big Bear in the Winter?

Leah Writes: That would be so phucking dope! Ok, curate it Pynnderella. (aha!)

Pynnderella: Speaking of Dreams and everything, if you could have your own Leah World, what would a day in that world look like?

Leah Writes:

For sure doing something with my son. There would be a studio involved, as well. It doesn't need to be a fancy studio. I come from lovin' home-studios so I always like a cool, cozy studio to create my music. There would be some smoking of weed and great food. I'm a foodie. There will also be concerts involved, whether it's mine or me going to concerts. I enjoy the vibes of live music.

Pynnderella: O.K. I'ma need to see ya phucking hands at the concert!! *Ye Voice*

...If you could go back and teach one thing to your inner babygirl, what would that lesson be?

Leah Writes: Umm.. to not care about what other people think of you. You are beautiful. You are everything.

I struggled with being a people pleaser and caring about what others thought back when I was younger. If I would've gotten that off of my shoulders prior to becoming an adult I'd be a bit more sharp. I still consider myself sharp, though! I'm cool, I'm great, but I would've taught my younger self that.

Pynnderella: TOP 3 things you need at the studio during a session?

Leah Writes:

1. Water

2. Weed.

3. Phone/Paper & Pen

Pynnderella: TOP 3 things that are not allowed near you in the stu?

Leah Writes: Bad Vibes. Bad Vibes. Bad Vibes. LOL

  1. No really, I don't want bad vibes.

2. I don't want Yes Men. I like people who aren't just gonna let me lay anything down... I love healthy collaboration.

3. A cigarette smoker!!!

Pynnderella: How is the dating scene for you as an artist and as a woman, in L.A, right now?

Leah Writes: I have a special someone. However, prior to meeting that special someone, I was in a seven-year relationship. That seven years didn't work out. I realized, I'm worth more than the way I was being treated. Not bashing that man or anything. It just wasn't what I needed for my life or for my son's life.

Being in a relationship, for seven years, as an artist, with someone who was a bit insecure can be tough. As women, we're out meeting different types of people, sometimes we are out later nights, sometimes we have shorter days.

And that shyt can be kind of nerve-wrecking, where you have to walk on egg shells and miss opportunities because you're thinkin' about what your man is going to think.

Girl, go take that opportunity, Your man will be okay.

I learned from that relationship that I don't want anyone who doesn't fully support me unconditionally with my passion. I love hard, so it was tough leaving that. But I needed to.

Phuck being comfortable with someone. I can get to know someone who is going to treat me way better.

Now, I'm in a way healthier space. Me and my special someone are taking things slow and not forcing shyt. I'm big on being organic in relationships.

Pynnderella: What can we expect from Leah Writes in the future?

Leah Writes: Expect to hear my name in your household!! I'm making Leah Writes a household name. I'm also working on my weed brand, High Writes.

I would give it, maybe 2025. I just don't want to rush it, I want it to be quality.

Expect more music from me. More visuals. More shows!

Pynnderella: Thank you so much, Leah, for giving PYNS. POYMS. POSHYNS. your time today. I had lots of fun getting to know you and your background. I know my readers are about to be excited... especially after this new music drop!

Y'all already know how we do it on Pyns. Poyms. Poshyns. for This or That.

Artists have 40 seconds to answer the questions choosing one of the two answers.



Leah Writes

Late Nights or Early Mornings

Late Nights

Dark or Light


Sweet or Savory


Quick or All Night

All Night

Writing or Recording


Slow it Down or Speed it Up

Slow it Down

Inside or Outside


Digital Media or Physical Media

Physical Media

Tall x Light or Short x Dark

Tall x Light

Favorite Food?

Mexican Food

Favorite Place in the World?

The Booth!


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