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7-Day Elevation Challenge

I'm really trying to see what ME vs ME really MEans! So, I challenged myself to a "homemade" ME vs ME, elevation situation.

I know that I have my own purpose and my own destiny, but self-discipline has been my greatest weakness. Therefore, over the next 7 days, all bets are off... besides the one I'm placing on myself.

WEEK 1 has given me a good run, FASHO! So, I decided to share it with you.

This is my vision board. I usually revise it twice a year. Over the last year, though, not many of my visions changed.

I still want to purchase a home, travel the world in the most beautiful ways, grow my blog/brand and business credit, and increase my self-discipline, and consistency, while staying grounded in my faith.

This week, I took a few things off and made it easier to focus on my short-term goals.

Anywho, on August 16th, I decided to take control of my life and create a plan to wake my ass up! I was too complacent and it was time for a change. I was doing the same NOTHING, to get the same NOTHING, and had the nerve to be upset... for doing NOTHING.

Enough was enough. I pulled out a pynk journal and a glittery pyn, and I wrote until I came up with a full-proof plan to elevate every variable of my life. I was the world's biggest procrastinator, BIGGEST! My motto was: "If I wait until the last minute, I'll only have to do it for a minute."

Ha! This is actually funny to those of us who work well under pressure. However, my business and personal life were falling away from me as a result of project pile-up. Then, it started my patience, which affected my motherhood.

I was home but always engulfed in piles of work because of my lack of discipline. It was killing me slowly. I found myself sleeping a lot during the day and drinking caffeine to stay up and write all night because when you have lots to do, your company can afford to take hits and your life can't afford another "to-do".

But, the 'captain save a girl' in me came to the rescue. I created a sweet, 30-day schedule and set up a few systems to challenge myself to ELEVATE! The schedule is intense and some days I do better than others.


9:30 Bed

4:35 Wake Up

Personal Morning Routine

5:00 Journaling

5:45 Exercise

6:50 Office, set up the day ahead

7:50 Sev's Time

8:10 Breakfast

8:30 Sev's Journaling

8:40- 10 Go Karting (Summer)

I have a few changes coming into play pretty soon, so I created a full-proof morning schedule that would NEVER need to be altered, no matter what happens. I am unavailable for anything outside of my home before 11am. This also means I need to have a hell of a productive morning, every morning.

Here goes, nothing. Right?

This is me taking accountability. Over the next 30 days, I plan to eat clean, do what I say I will do, stay focused, become a better person, and not dwell in negativity.

My morning routine includes prayer, yoga, a 30-day workout challenge, sharpening my Russian skills, and reading the Bible. I want to be so at peace, therefore I am creating it by just BEING. I start my days with gratefulness and intention

DAY 1:

(Well, actually this is technically on day 1 because it started at 12 am... but I'm still awake. So, Yeah.)

Per usual, I stayed awake all night. I knew I needed to start with a clean home, so I spring-cleaned... in the middle of the night after working.

I'm supposed to be up every morning at 4:35, yet it's 3:08 a.m. and I'm sitting here writing a journal entry. I'm hoping that by the end I can sleep on a regular schedule and boost my productivity. I'm planning to keep the same to build solid habits.

Tomorrow, I have groceries being delivered by Amazon, mostly greens and green juice. 2 snaps for clean eating.

I sort of ran out of patience earlier and raised my voice at Sev. I'm looking forward to all of the mediation practice I'll be putting into calmness. My son could really benefit from that.

I should at least get one hour of sleep tonight. I'd be disappointed if I couldn't even wake up refreshed to start the dame challenge on time. Ha.


Maaaaan! it's 9:30 am. I slept 5.5 hours!

R.I.P. to my 4:35 alarm. Wait, did it even go off?

I was able to get most of the things done in my new morning routine. I have a YT video workout scheduled, as well as a yoga session, but I only did yoga, today.

But, journaling, yes. Praying, yes. Reading, yes. Organizing content, yes. And, quality time with Sevyn. There is more, but you get me. I was successful in my AM routine.

Day 2:

I stayed up all night, again, and my morning started around 9 a.m., not 4:35.

My day-to-night ratio needs to be way more balanced and connected. If I desire to be successful, I must take hold of my own actions.

There were days when I did nothing but talk shit; those were my lowest vibrational days. Those were the days when I was living in poverty and not understanding wealth and abundance.

However, TODAY, I'm excited to be GETTING SHIT DONE.

I chose to read 8 pages a day of 'The Power of Positive Thinking' during my challenge. It's actually my second time reading this book, but now that I am showing up as a better version of myself, it's a great time to read it again.

'The Power of Positive Thinking' is about changing your perception of life. Chapters in this book have taught me how to align myself with healthy finances and call them to me.

I'm ending my night with Russian studies. Although I'm pretty fluent, I'm losing it because I have no one to practice or sharpen my skills with. So, Duolingo is my place to study.


Day 3:

AHHH damn! I stayed up working, again, until about 2 a.m. And, didn't do a got damn thing today during daylight hours. Nothing on my task list was completed.

You know what, let me not say I didn't do ANYthing. I glued my pyn to my journal and went crazy jotting down ideas and action plans. I did something, just not what I needed to be doing. I still need to study Russian and write a few blogs. I have to!

On another note, I was offered a position with someone I find to be successful. The internship is the perfect opportunity to grow my skill set and offer value to someone else's life.

I asked God to provide me with a way to pay back any karmic debts and he sent me a position to make a difference. Blessings don't ever look how we expect them to. So, always have your ego set to the side.

Day 4:

I organized my entire life schedule and sat with myself today. I wrote down my negative and positive qualities and faced my ugliest truths. I thought about stories that made me cringe, even.

I needed to understand that change is inevitable. I have to come out on top. I wrote down habits I wanted to change and watched videos about leveling up my feminism.

Mmmm... I still didn't wake up and do my routine. So, far I'm 2 and 2.

I haven't made a smoothie OR a salad.

It's like my un-brainstormed ideas have a hold on me! If not this week, next week I'm fasho sticking to the script.

So far, I am changing my mindset tho. I was still a bit impatient with Sev and his toddler antics, but I breathed. I can notice things about me advancing themselves.

Day 5:

3 whole weeks of content... by ME?

Sheesh! I knew I had been going hard with the ideas, but I looked up and before I knew it, I had 21 days+ of content edited, organized, captioned, and scheduled for September.

I may have only done 2 days of my morning routine, but I damn sure put myself ahead of the game with this batch of content. I know 3 weeks will fly by, but at least I have 3 weeks to create more and keep ahead of my schedule.

You don't want to miss what September is going to give, here at PYNNd.

Day 6:

Oh, Sabbath! Thank you for bringing me complete rest.

When I say "complete", I mean I didn't do yoga today, either, and that's all I have on my calendar for Saturdays, besides journaling and watching Brother Buie's live Sabbath lesson.

Damn, I really f****d up my routine this week, and it's only day 6.

It's like I swapped out my morning peace for self-evaluation. I guess that's cool. I rested and got a word.

As Brother Buie flipped through the scriptures and read about the laws that were abolished and the ones that were not, I felt convicted. Lots of times, we take from the Bible what we want, rather than taking from it what we need to win spiritual warfare battles.

I am finishing the night with a bit of Russian. I'll share some words and phrases soon enough.


Day. 7

A whole week, say whaaaaa? I am extremely proud of how much I've altered my mindset in one week. Of course, I only kept up with my routine twice, but some good came out of staying focused on the other things I set out to do. For instance,

  1. I realize I haven't forgotten as much Russian vocabulary as I thought I had

  2. I created ways to connect with my son on deeper levels

  3. I am waaaaay more self-aware and self-conscious

  4. I look over my plans and goals before agreeing to anything

  5. I started speaking directly, instead of being passive-aggressive

  6. I am much more intentional

I practiced listening more and speaking less this week.

A while ago, I cut ties with a few friends, and life couldn't be better!

I challenge you to do one thing every day to get to the next level.

I'll see y'all next week. Holla!

Stay tuned on my Instagram for new articles and blog exclusives.

SYP 2 THYS: September, our newsletter, is dropping September 6th. Keep up!

- "Shut up, Shabetti"



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